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Currently being one of the new graduate and graduated from the University for many years studying is puzzled to find a job. Each year millions of students graduate from college, but not matched with jobs available in this country so much unemployment everywhere. In general, information we obtain from dpaat job advertisements in newspapers or through online media.

However, all of them are very complicated to list job openings, many of the files we need to prepare to send the attachments required in the application work. But with the current technological development especially with the internet we have a simple way to get information and register online job. To the authors will share a way about it, and I've had to apply.

Currently many sites that provide job information but does not necessarily provide a service to register online via the job. The authors found a site that is pretty good and complete for it, the site is named http://www.karir.com/
In addition there are several websites http://www.karir.com/ job sites of other providers can be utilized such as: http://www.jobstreet.co.id/, http://id.jobsdb.com/id. By using this site you do not have to bother membut job application letter and attach any files other like applying for a job. With this site you will be easy, that all the data yourself a good cover letter, photos etc should be entered into the data base of the site is registered to the job of your choice through the site.

But keep in mind that only certain jobs can you list that have been working with karir.com. Here are some of the advantages of utilizing http://www.karir.com/ site:
You apply through online job postings
No need to make a cover letter or mail + attachment prerequisite work registration via post, etc., you just send via online
You will always get the job information via email that can be registered through your account in karir.com
Everything is Free

In order to avail the services karir.com you must register first. By selecting the Registry menu, and then after that it will appear a pop up option, please select "Career hunter".

After that, the contents of which has provided Form, fill it right Remember your personal data is important because it will be used to register for jobs online.

Then you follow the Step by Step steps that have been determined by the site karir.com. Data that needs to be filled is the history of your education and your work experience so that it becomes a plus. In addition you will be asked to create a job application letter on the form provided.

The last step is activation Member, way is check the email you registered before, then you will get an e-mail from karir.com. In the email there is a link activation, please click on the link to activate your member karir.com. Once activated you will always send an e-mail from a career-com job vacancies in the form of information around the world.

How very tasty at all not to use the site online employment service provider, in this way, and you did not bother to apply old-fashioned way in getting a job. For that you should always take advantage of the Internet to open your email in obtaining information from karir.com job, good luck and hopefully useful

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