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23 July, 2012


This day i will taking about Furnace Camera.As the current technological developments in power plant technology especially the use of recovery boiler is constantly innovating in order to complement the existing deficiencies in the means of production to facilitate the operation of the recovery boiler.
Currently the power plant that uses a recovery boiler there is a lack of technology to the unavailability of a device to control the conditions inside the boiler (furnace). So far the recovery boiler operator can only monitor the condition of the inside of the furnace manually just by looking at the field by controlling the air of room pannel (dcs). but that's not enough data taken with the actual data. accuracy conditions may only be 65% to monitor conditions inside the furnace charbed.

Camera Enclosure with Lens

The above shows what is removed and store during shutdown or repair

Camera Enclosure Interior

Back of camera core

Removing Camera Core

Camera Retract system

Camera Port


Control Enclosure

Solenoid valve assembly
(Inside control enclosure)

Valve Manual override
Siemens LOGO PLC

Settable Parameter available from key pad on Logo:
Cycle time (time between cleaning cycles)
Cleaning stroke time (time energized and de-energized
Number of cleaning strokes


Pneumatic System
Lens tube/manifold pressure to be maintained between 1.5 and 2 BAR
Input pressure to the system should be 5 and 12 bar

The cleaning cylinder (with check valve) acts as an accumulator to retract camera in the event of a line failure.

System Faults and General Maintenance


The most common form of maintenance on the camera lens system will be cleaning the “objective” lens – that part of the lens system furthest from the camera. Periodic, daily cleaning of the objective lens should be expected, although cleaning intervals of 5 or 6 days are not un-common.
A dirty objective will produce an image that is fuzzy or appears out of focus. The part of the objective that requires cleaning is the protective clear sapphire window, which is very hard and difficult to inadvertently scratch, but relatively easy to break.
Do not attempt to clean a hot lens! The objective lens assembly must be below 110°F or comfortable to the touch before cleaning.
To clean the objective lens sapphire:
Retract the lens by selecting “RETRACT” at the control enclosure.
Allow the lens to cool for several minutes.
Once cool (relatively comfortable to the touch), turn the supply air to the lens system off at the shut-off valve.
Using a cotton swab and alcohol, reach into the end of the lens assembly and clean any dirt or oil that may have collected on the objective sapphire.
Char build-up on or around the lens tube should also be cleaned at this time.
Turn the supply air on.

Most Faults and the probable reason for the fault are broadcast on the face of the Control Panel

The camera has 30-seconds to cool down once an overtemp
Situation is discovered.
There are three different faults that will cause the camera to retract:
Camera enclosure over temp - temporary over temp recognized
Camera has retracted and then cooled to operating temp check air supply and for combustion air leaks
Camera over temp - system is shut down
Camera retracted and failed to cool within 30 seconds camera has been shut off as result to avoid damage. Check air supply and cooler adjustment.
Low air pressure – camera retracted to avoid overheating
Check for compressed air leaks and ball valve position
Retract limit fail – automatic cleaning not possible
Important to keep the retract cleaned and lubricated so if a overtemp condition occurs the retract can do what it is supposed to do
Output fail check fuse 1
Output fail check fuse 2
Output fail check fuse 3
There are three different ouput faults that are monitored
Maybe usefull.

Written by : Unknown ~ Lets talk about Power Plant,Recovery Boiler,Function,Black Liquor,Chemical Boiler,Electrostatic Precipator,Information and Blogging

FURNACE CAMERAarticle was posted by Unknown on 23 July, 2012. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comment box.

2 komentar:

Unknown said...

furnace filter does its job only when air is passing through the filter Industrial Heaters

almostakbl said...

تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض

ظلت دائما اجهزه تكييف الهواء هي من اهم العوامل التي تقدم المساعده والعون االي الانسان حيث انها تدعمه علي تحمل تقلبات الجو سواء الحراره العاليه او الحراره المنخفضة ، وان رفاهيه الانسان تعتمد بشكل كبير علي مكيفات الهواء وكل ذلك يعتمد علي حالة مكيف الهواء لديكم حيث انه من الواجب دائما عمل صيانة وتنظيف بشكل مستمر لمكيفات الهوات الهواء فان ادائها يعتمد بشكل كبير علي ذلك حيث انها من الممكن مع عدم صيانتها وتنظيفها بشكل منتظم ان تؤدي الي عطلها ان وانهياراها تماما ، فيما يلي بعض النصائح الهامة حول كيفية الرعاية بمكيف الهواء الخاص بك …
تنظيف مكيفات
- اذا كنت تعيش بمنطقة قريبة بشكل كبير من المناطق الصناعية ، فيجب عليك الاهتمام بشكل كبير بتنظيف المكيفات بشكل مستمر وعلي فترات متقاربة اكثر من اي منطقة سكنيه اخري فيجب عليك دائما الاستعانة بـ تنظيف مكيفات بالرياض
للقيام عملية الصيانة والتنظيف الدورية بالنيابة عنك ، او اذا كانت لديك الخبره الكافية بذلك فمن الممكن عمل الصيانة بنفسك غير ذلك قد تكون حالة المكيف لديك علي المحك لذلم فانت دائما تحتاج الي تنظيف المكيفات بالرياض .
شركة تنظيف مكيفات
- اذا كنت من هواه مقتني الحيوانات الاليفة مثل القطط او الكلاب او غيرها من الحيوانات الاليفة فذلك من اهم الاسباب التي تحتم عليك العناية جيدا بنظافة المكيفات بالرياض بشكل دائم ومستمر فان الفراء الناتج من هذه الحيوانات دائما ما يتحد مع ذرات الغبار والتي تعمل علي انسداد وتضييق فتحات الفلاتر والغاز الخاص بالفريون داخل المكيف مما قد يؤدي مع الوقت الي تلف المكيف فلذلك فان شركة تنظيف المكيفات بالرياض هوا من اهم العوامل الاساسية التي تحافظ دائما علي عمر مكيف الهواء لديكم .

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