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20 March, 2013


BlackBerry Messenger ( BBM ) app store may be topping the App Store and Google Play Store to subvert its competitors , WhatsApp . But actually , WhatsApp still excel far above the fuel .

WhatsApp now is cross- platform messaging service that is most widely used . CEO WhatsApp , Jan. Koum , stating that WhatsApp active users has reached 350 million .

The fuel itself is quickly dashed when released for Android and iOS . Number of downloads reached 10 million times in the first 24 hours and now announced penetrate 20 million .

Coupled with BBM in BlackBerry users reached 60 million , total fuel-consuming almost touched 100 million . But the difference is still hundreds of millions of WhatsApp .

" Monthly active users on BlackBerry , Android , and iPhone , has reached 80 million users . Thank you for your support during this , " said Head of BlackBerry Messenger , Andrew Bocking . BBM can be superior to the WhatsApp app store because that is measured is the number of downloads in certain period of time , instead of total download

If the growth of cross- platform BBM users keep on racing and not slow down drastically , it is not possible fuel capable of beating WhatsApp . But for now , WhatsApp is superior about the number of users , with a gap far enough .

Written by : Unknown ~ Lets talk about Power Plant,Recovery Boiler,Function,Black Liquor,Chemical Boiler,Electrostatic Precipator,Information and Blogging

BBM STILL AGAINST OVERWHELMED WHATSAPParticle was posted by Unknown on 20 March, 2013. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comment box.

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