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09 March, 2013


Whatever civilization and the condition of a nation, all of them must have experienced stress, although the term may vary. Stress is a condition in which the body's mental and physical pressure. And prolonged stress is not managed properly can lead to depression.

There is a proverb that reads Other Other Field Grasshopper, Other Other Lubuk The fish. That is, each region has a different way to handle the problem. The way it is generally based on tradition and local culture, but later became a habit that conserved.

As reported by Health.com, on Monday (26/11/2012), here are the ways of the various countries of the world to relieve stress.

1. Petit Aperitif in France
After the move and under stress, the French used to relax by doing petit aperitif, which is a small ritual by drinking a glass of wine accompanied by cashew nuts or chips, hummus and olive oil. The next thing to do is cook dinner.

Grape known in Europe has a relaxing effect. But more important is the ritual to separate the chaos at work from the comfort of home. Every ritual is carried comfortably can eliminate stress, both light exercise and talking with friends.

2. Sauna bath in Russia
To relieve the stress, the Russians are often gripped by the cold will do the sauna or steam bath using hot water. Just sitting in the extreme heat with sweat washing the body is able to be healers soul.

Warm bath or a hot steam bath not only create a warm hug skin, but a study from Yale University suggests that the warmth of the hot water vapor can trigger the brain and the body's response to emotional warmth and improves mood. Limit the sauna for 10 minutes to avoid dry skin.

3. Been to Home Friends Ala Denmark
Danish people to relax in understated enough friends or relatives house at night and weekends. The important thing is being happy at home and did not rush to go anywhere.

Create a party, the key is also simple, do not bother. If worried invite others to a party that had a perfect holiday, then the stress will also appear. Then weekends only meeting simple, usually enough desserts and beverages served.

4. Massage in Thailand
Thailand seems to have a similar tradition with Indonesia to relieve stress, ie massage. Massages are performed also similar, which is done with a strong, plus the pressure through the knee and elbow to eliminate stress.

Massaging the base of the neck and the surrounding area will release the hormone serotonin, a natural antidepressant. This effect will be even more powerful if asked couples doing the massage.

5. Drinking Mate in Argentina
In Argentina, there is a drink called mate, which circulated hot herbal drinks with friends like peace pipe on the Indians. It made the people so connected with the group and lowers stress.

According to a study in Belgium, eat or drink with a soothing release the hormone oxytocin. The existence of strong ties with the group would make someone be appreciated by others in the vicinity.

6. Laughter exercises in India
Every morning, several people in India do exercises laughing with smiling, waving and jumping. The more often this exercise is done, the better the resulting mood.

When laughing, the abdominal muscles to contract and trigger endorphins that make you feel better feelings, according to research from the University of Oxford. Laughed for a few minutes alone can soothe. Therefore, it is better to record a show or event humor favorites to watch again the night after the move.

7. Walk in Ireland
In cold weather though, in Ireland will remain often found people walking around outside with the kids. This method can be trusted to 'turn on' the brain back and give energy.

A study in 2012 found that people who rode a stationary bike for 30 minutes and then look at the photos turned out to be less anxiety disturbing than people who just sit quietly. It turns out exercise not only reduces anxiety, but also helped create a feeling of calm when faced with distressing events.

8. Together coffee in Sweden
In Sweden, there is a term called fika, the rest with a cup of coffee with friends. This little ritual has become part of the culture there since the 1700s. In many companies, employees do fika at about 10 am and 3 pm to go to a cafe drinking latte, tea or smoothie accompanied cinnamon, muffins, or macaroni.

Fika create a comfortable and peaceful feeling. A study conducted Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that people who socialize towards the end of the work day will be more productive than the 10-15% that do not socialize.

9. Foot soak in China
Chinese people used to soak feet in a large pot of hot water or referred to as 'yu zu' before bed. Usually done while sitting on the couch while reading a book or surfing the internet to fall asleep.

Ankle foot soak up the hot water is added salt and 2 tablespoons baking soda for 15 minutes can reduce swelling and improve blood circulation. In addition, the effect can also be soothing.

10. Keyif in Turkey
Turkish people used to do Keyif, it means enjoying pleasant things. Can practice by listening to music or straighten the legs and not think about anything that causes stress.

Stressful thoughts often come from the assumption that something bad will happen. If you can focus on the positive, negative thoughts trigger stress will disappear or at least diminish. One study found that people who were given a cold compress will greatly diminished sense of comfort when disambi not listen to music.

Written by : Unknown ~ Lets talk about Power Plant,Recovery Boiler,Function,Black Liquor,Chemical Boiler,Electrostatic Precipator,Information and Blogging

TRY 10 ENGINEERING STRESS RELIEVERS FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIESarticle was posted by Unknown on 09 March, 2013. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comment box.

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