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14 January, 2012


Watching television is now it has become a difficult activity released in kesehariaan. But too much television, especially in children, is also not good.

According to child psychologist Vera Itabiliana, too much TV can affect the concentration of children. Watching television more than four hours a day is also likely to make children obese. Thanks to television, the child can also be a consumer.

Therefore, before it becomes a habit, you should since I was a toddler, kids should not watch too much television. Here are five ways to limit your child from watching television, as quoted by WebMD:

1. Involve your child activities
Indeed, this will be a little inconvenient you. But there's no harm in applied rather than to make television as a babysitter child. When you clean your house, ask your child help. For example, he swept, while you clean the dust. If you cook, with whom he is. Children can participate weed would you cook vegetables, such as spinach and beans.

2. Avoid Ads
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, each year the children saw 40 thousand advertisements on television. Children under the age of six years still do not understand the difference ads with actual events. So that no child should be exposed to too much advertising. Should select few television shows ads. If it's children will watch television, play it his favorite movie on a DVD player.

3. Accompany Child
Let's not make the TV as a babysitter for your child. Always sit with your child with him when watching television. If it had seen a television show is over, do not let the child replace the channel and look for other events. But tell your child that you should finish watching TV and doing other activities.

4. Explain Reasons Why TV Off
When you turn off the television, explain to him why it was done. Do not immediately turn off the television without first, the child knows the cause. "Tell him, if today was pretty much watching the television," said Donald Shifrin, expert health and child development from the University of Washington Schoolf of Medicine, Seattle. He is also a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Donald also suggested, preferably before starting to watch television, you've explained how many events may be seen. You can make an appointment with him so that the child will not get angry when you said it would turn off the television.

5. Give Example
If you do not want children watching too much television, you have to give a similar example. You should also not put televisions in the rooms. Avoid turning on the television as soon as you enter the house or allow objects to remain lit when the kids are not watching it. When eating, you should also not turned on the television

Written by : Unknown ~ Lets talk about Power Plant,Recovery Boiler,Function,Black Liquor,Chemical Boiler,Electrostatic Precipator,Information and Blogging

LITTLE 5 WAYS TO WATCH TV NOT TOO OFTENarticle was posted by Unknown on 14 January, 2012. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comment box.

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