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06 January, 2012


Cholesterol is essential for the body if it is still within the appropriate levels, but too much cholesterol can actually cause a variety of diseases associated with cardiovascular events such as heart disease, stroke and others.

Based on data from the Basic Health Research 2007, the prevalence of stroke in Indonesia by 0.8%. Meanwhile, according to the National Household Health Survey (SKRTN), in the last 10 years the mortality rate in Indonesia due to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) tends to increase.

In 1991, the death rate from CHD is 16%. then in 2001 the figure jumped to 26.4%. The death rate from CHD is estimated at 53.5 per 100,000 population in Indonesia.

"Both stroke and coronary heart disease can be caused by high cholesterol levels in the body. Mostly, it is influenced by lifestyle and diet, "explained Prof. Dr. Yogiarto SpJP, a cardiologist from Siloam Hospitals Surabaya in a press release received INILAH.COM, Sunday (14/10).

According to him, many people do not realize that cholesterol levels in their bodies already high and be risk factors for CHD or stroke. This is because high cholesterol levels do not provide certain symptoms, so that cholesterol is often referred to as the silent killer that can cause sudden death.

Therefore, continued Prof. Yogiarto, early awareness by checking cholesterol levels regularly would need to avoid chronic disease that will be fatal.

In order to increase public awareness of the dangers of cholesterol and to commemorate 35, Siloam Hospitals Surabaya with PT Pfizer Indonesia for conducting free cholesterol checks.

"The activities of health lectures and free cholesterol checks are expected to provide education and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining their health and to take preventive measures for the dangers of high cholesterol," said Dr.. Agus Kiswanto Kes represent the Siloam Hospitals Surabaya management.

Prof Yogiarto disclose risk factors that arise from high levels of cholesterol in the body can be prevented, treated or controlled. It would be a lot of benefits when people can maintain their health by keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels, quitting smoking, watching your intake and exercise.

Therefore, it is important to know the levels of cholesterol in our blood so we can take precautions before it is too late.

For Pfizer Indonesia that support the activities of the free cholesterol checks, is a concern to the community, especially in terms of supporting the Indonesian government to realize a healthy sustainable communities.

"In addition to invite the public to pay attention to their health, this activity is a form of Pfizer's commitment to the community to continue to share information about health. With increasing public awareness of the benefits and importance of health care for themselves and their loved ones, "said Widyaretna Buenastuti, Public Affairs & Communications Director of PT Pfizer Indonesia.

Widya also mentioned that this activity is part of a series of activities carried out Pfizer in various major cities in Indonesia. Previously, similar activities have been held in Semarang, Medan and Jakarta.

"The program is also expected to contribute to the government, especially in terms of education and public awareness," he said.

On the other side also supports the creation of broad access for people to get affordable health care and quality.

Written by : Unknown ~ Lets talk about Power Plant,Recovery Boiler,Function,Black Liquor,Chemical Boiler,Electrostatic Precipator,Information and Blogging

HIGH CHOLESTEROL LEVELS, CHRONIC DISEASE 'COMING'article was posted by Unknown on 06 January, 2012. Thank you for your visit and your willingness to read this article. Criticism and suggestions can you convey through the comment box.

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